The issue of weight loss is a concern for all women without exception. Extra pounds and grams themselves can find how plump and very slender beauties. Both tormented by the question: what to eat or drink the pounds are gone themselves. This miracle cure to be found, and here is a simple way to help the body to get the metabolism exists. For this you need to choose the right slimming tea. It is no secret that slimming teas sold in pharmacies and stores, often not very effective. With their help you can achieve is that short-term weight loss because of their diuretic and effect.
Weight loss tea herbs

Long-term use of diuretics and laxatives, even herbal, the body does not bring benefit and harm. They dry, disturbed electrolyte balance, as a result of impaired renal function, muscle weakness. But tea for weight loss, which is a complement to diet and exercise, acts as an excellent tool for weight normalization. This tea promises to burn fat in a few days and save you from the disease.
The right tea for weight loss ozdoravlivayuschim works in the digestive system, normalizes metabolism, removes toxins and wastes from the body, purify the blood and liver. As a result, the body rejuvenates itself and gets rid of the extra pounds.
Do not buy the teaif you are not sure of the quality of its parts, or flavoring agents, dyes and other chemicals. Better to make a tea for weight loss on their own.
Recipes tea for weight loss
Mix 1 tablespoon of dandelion root, fruit, parsley and fennel, peppermint leaf, 3 tablespoons of buckthorn bark. A tablespoon of this mixture pour boiling water and insist 15 minutes. Strain and drink two months to 2 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach.
Mix dried rowan berries and nettle leaves in a ratio of 7:3. Tablespoon of the mixture pour two cups of boiling water and steep for 10 minutes. Strain and drink half a Cup 3 times a day between meals.
Mix 80 g. Blackberry leaves, 10 g of birch leaves and mother-and-stepmother. Two tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and infuse for 15 minutes. Strain and drink one glass twice a day — morning and evening.
Mix 3 tablespoons of buckthorn bark and nettle leaves, 2 tbsp mint leaves, 1 tablespoon of sweet flag root. Pour 1 tbsp (from above) mix in two cups of boiling water, insist 4 hours, Strain and drink half a Cup half an hour before meals three times a day.
Despite the fact that these teas are healthy, they are not recommended to take during exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urolithiasis during pregnancy and lactation.
Green and black tea for weight loss
Replace the morning Cup of coffee tea. First of all, no sugar and cream added to the coffee, you get fewer calories (calories in tea is minimal), and secondly, tea helps to lose already accumulated weight. Tea works for the Welfare of the whole body. It helps to put in order the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous system, urinary system, immune system.
Green tea is a great regulator of the glucose level in the blood. It will slow down its absorption after meals. In addition, people who began to drink green tea, eat less 40-60% of their normal doses. The tea was so affected, it is necessary to select and brew.
First of all, discard the tea bags. There is nothing like tea, simple flavored tea dust. Note the color of the tea leaves. It is green, shade may vary from dark to light olive, but in any case not the dark the smell of hay. Remember the most important rule: the lighter the leaves of green tea, so it is better. Please note pack contents: what is the appearance of the leaves, and that is, in addition to them. Package of high quality tea is allowed only in 5% of broken leaves and branches, not more. The tea leaves should turn into dust at the slightest touch to them.

To brew tasty green tea weight loss, 1 teaspoon of tea, take 100 ml of water. Pour the tea with hot water. but not boiling water. If the water is boiling, wait a few minutes to get it cooled to around 80 degrees. Minutes later, the first water to drain. Pour tea a second time and steep according to the instructions on the packaging. If kept long, the tea starts to taste bitter. Tea should be clear, with a mild flavor and pleasant aroma. The quality of tea can crash again, he will only get better. I also try to include in your diet ginger tea is a very good way to get rid of a certain amount of hostile subcutaneous tissue.
There is another wonderful tea that you can lose weight. This PU-erh tea is mild, acting on the stomach, stimulate the gallbladder and liver, promote metabolism. Enough to drink 2 cups of warm tea a day, and the result does not slow down. It is especially when you celebrate, when the stomach is full of fat and heavy food.
Black tea weight loss can be less effective. It also slows down the absorption of fat in the activities of a large number of polysaccharide compounds to enhance the metabolism. What it was, but eating a muffin or piece of cake, drink down a Cup of tea. So you can reduce the opportunity to gain weight.
Milk tea slimming tea
The japanese use the tea in large quantity to lose weight, are very skeptical in addition to milk. They say that milk binds all the active compounds, tea, and allowing it to adjust the metabolic processes in the body. But the experience of many women prove that there is a universal remedy for weight loss – tea with milk. With her not want to eat or drink, not sweet and not sour, not in the morning nor in the evening. If you suddenly feel hungry, it is easy to muffle a SIP of tea with milk. With any diet, it is easy and without suffering. It is so slimming tea does not burn fat, but simply suppress the appetite. It has one drawback: in the early days, it acts as a strong diuretic, then all the better.
Products, you can't restrict, can afford everything, just appetite almost disappears. Saturation is due to the fact that the hot tea to pull out the milk fatty acids. It is recommended to prepare a tea with milk, low-fat milk, but if the feeling of complete saturation does not occur, take the usual milk 2.5% fat. Therefore, you can safely go on a diet of vegetarian and fish dishes. And then weight loss is guaranteed.
There are several ways to prepare this amazing drink:
1) Boil 2 l of water, pour boiling water 3 tablespoons of green tea. Cool the lid on for 20 minutes and diluted with 1 l milk (0.5%). Infuse the mixture for 10 minutes and strain. Drink during the day warm or cold.
2) Boil 1.5 l of milk (0,5%), add 1.5 tablespoons of green tea, insist 30-40 minutes, strain and drink throughout the day. This recipe can be made with black tea. The result is amazing.
3) Option for the lazy: brew a bag of green tea one Cup of hot water to make tea with milk and half a drink.
Milk tea for weight loss is not the only fluid you need to drink per day, you need to add another 1-1. 5 l of pure water.
Of course, weight loss tea-is not a panacea. In fact they did not to help cope with the extra pounds, but if you can tackle the problem holistically, it is possible to achieve considerable success. Firstly, the balance of power. Nutritionists recommend not to exceed the threshold of 1500 kcal per day, but not to fall below 1200 kcal. It is also harmful as overeating. You need to include in the diet proteins, they should be at least 15-20% of your daily diet. The female body is very important fat in any case, you can go for low-fat foods. At least a teaspoon of vegetable oil in the morning need to eat. In addition, it helps to normalize the stomach. Don't refuse sweet, long abstinence is very easy to break. So the 100 calories you can afford to eat candy or cookies. Be sure to take multivitamins and minerals, not enough of those foods.

Do not take breaks between meals longer than 5 hours, otherwise, it will slow down your metabolism. Because all recommend to refrain from eating after 18-19 hours, you can use fat-containing products at this time.